Getestete Anwendungen * Tested applications:
Zu MacOS 9: MacOS 9 besitzt einen Anteil von 51.7% PowerPC-nativer Systemroutinen, das ist leicht mehr als in 8.6 (51.2%), jedoch etwas weniger als die Betaversionen zuvor besassen, 9.0b7 beispielsweise hatte einen Anteil von 53.5%. Es ist jedoch nicht unüblich, dass ein Produkt während der Beta-Phase Funktionen besitzt, die in der finalen Version nicht bzw. in einer anderen Form (hier also als 68k-Code) vorliegen. (macinfo OS Native %)
On MacOS 9: MacOS 9 has 51.7% PowerPC native traps, that's slightly more than in 8.6 (51.2%), but less than the beta versions had, 9.0b7 for example had 53.5%. It's not unusual that a product features functions which are not - or not in this form - present in the final version (here these traps are in 68k code again). (macinfo OS Native %)
Zu MacOS 8.6: Wie wir bereits berichtet haben, besitzt System 8.6 als erste MacOS-Version mehr als 50% der Systemroutinen in PowerPC-nativem Code. Wir haben die Leistung des neuen Systems mit den Vorgängerversionen verglichen (Macbench 4, Cinema 4D XL, PhotoShop, POVray, NeuroNet, Pentium-Emulation). Die Vergleichsliste beinhaltet die Werte eines PowerMac 8500/180/1MB (PowerPC 604e; getestet ab System 7.5.5) und eines G3/350 (b&w; MacOS 8.5.1 und 8.6 - siehe hellblau unterlegte Zeilen in der Tabelle). Das Erstaunliche: Trotz höherem Native-Anteil schneidet MacOS 8.6 in den meisten Fällen schlechter ab als die älteren Systeme! Dies liegt eventuell am neuen Nanokernel, der zwar schnelleres Wechseln zwischen den laufenden Applikationen ermöglicht, deshalb aber generell etwas mehr CPU-Zeit beansprucht (Vorschläge?). Die Maschine ohne Backside-Cache wird durch das neue MacOS i.d.R. stärker benachteiligt (bis 15% in unseren Tests) als der G3-Mac. Glaubt man den Macbench-Werten allein (Version 4; Macbench 5 werden wir in Kürze nachtragen), dann ist MacOS 8.6 in etwa gleich schnell wie bisherige Systeme, was durch unsere Real World Tests klar widerlegt werden kann. |
Comments on MacOS 8.6: As we already noted here MacOS 8.6 is the first Mac system to have more than 50% of its system traps in PowerPC native code. We compared its performance to older systems using Macbench 4, Cinema 4D XL, PhotoShop, POVray, NeuroNet and Pentium emulation. Our comparison includes a PowerMac 8500/180/1MB (PowerPC 604e; tested up from system 7.5.5) and a G3/350 (b&w; MacOS 8.5.1 and 8.6 - see rows with light blue background in the table). The result: In most applications MacOS 8.6 is slower than its predecessors! This may be an artifact of the new Nanokernel, which allows faster switching between running applications but consumes a bit more CPU time overall (Any ideas?). Under the new system the machine without backside cache is more disadvantaged (up to 15% in our tests) than the tested G3-Mac. Looking at the Macbench scores alone (version 4; Macbench 5 will be added soon) one could think MacOS 8.6 is as fast as older versions, this cannot hold against our real world tests. |
Zu MacOS 8.6 und POVray: In unseren ersten Tests zu MacOS 8.6 lief der 3D-Renderer POVray auf dem G3-Rechner fast 23% schneller als noch unter MacOS 8.5.1 (aber 0.2% langsamer auf dem 604e-Mac) - Ursache dafür war eine korrupte Preference-Datei, in der die Prozessorzuteilung zum Programm auf maximaler Stufe lag (POVray Monopolisierungs-Level "tyrannical"), Hintergrundprozessen wurde so kaum Zeit abgegeben. Die korrigierten Ergebnisse bescheinigen 8.6 mit POVray gerade einmal noch 2.2% Vorteil gegenüber 8.5.1. Damit wird das Bild wieder einheitlich, trotz bisher höchstem Native-Anteil ist 8.6 kaum schneller bzw. teilweise sogar langsamer als ältere Systeme.
MacOS 8.6 and POVray: In our first report on MacOS 8.6 performance we noted almost 23% perfomance improvement when running the 3D renderer POVray on the G3, compared to 8.5.1 (it was 0.2% slower on the 604e machine) - a corrupt preference file was the cause, it gave POVray maximum CPU time (POVray monopolization level "tyrannical"), background processes were almost stopped. The corrected results show only a 2.2% improvement over 8.5.1, this fits to other results and shows almost no performance gain over older systems, in fact 8.6 is sometimes slower.
Blaue Balken: Referenzsystem MacOS 8.6 | Blue bars: reference system MacOS 8.6 | |
Grüne Balken: Bessere Leistung als Referenzsystem | Green bars: better performance than reference system | |
Rote Balken: Schlechtere Leistung als Referenzsystem | Red Bars: lower performance than reference system | |
Je mehr rote Balken in einem Vergleich zu sehen sind, umso besser schneidet das Referenz-System ab (rot bedeutet schlechter als das Referenz-System). Je mehr grüne Balken, umso schlechter ist das Referenz-System. Blaue Balken bedeuten gleiche Leistung wie das Referenz-System. |
The more red bars you see in a comparison, the faster the reference system is (red means lower performance than reference system). The more green bars, the worse the performance of the reference system. Blue bars represent the same performance as the the reference system. |
Referenz: PowerMacintosh 8500/180: PowerPC 604e 180MHz, 45MHz Bus, 1MB L2-Cache (45MHz), 96MB interleaved RAM, VM off, 1024x768 Pixel @16Bit. |
G3-Referenz: PowerMacintosh G3/350: PowerPC 750 350MHz, 100MHz Bus, 1MB L2-Cache (175MHz), 256MB RAM, VM off, 1024x768 Pixel @16Bit. |
Macbench 4.0 CPU-Test | |||
MacOS 7.5.5 | 406 | 84.2% | |
MacOS 7.6 | 484 | 100.4% | |
MacOS 8.0 | 482 | 100.0% | |
MacOS 8.1 | 483 | 100.2% | |
MacOS 8.5 | 480 | 99.6% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 | 475 | 98.5% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 482 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 1203 | 99.1% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 1214 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 1140 | 93.9% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 1120 | 92.3% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 1133 | 93.3% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 1092 | 90.1% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 1141 | 94.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | 0% | ||
Macbench 4.0 FPU-Test | |||
MacOS 7.5.5 | 364 | 76.6% | |
MacOS 7.6 | 364 | 76.6% | |
MacOS 8.0 | 364 | 76.6% | |
MacOS 8.1 | 479 | 100.8% | |
MacOS 8.5 | 477 | 100.4% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 | 477 | 100.4% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 475 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 859 | 99.7% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 862 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 846 | 98.1% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 843 | 97.8% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 846 | 98.1% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 824 | 95.6% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 864 | 100.2% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | 0% | ||
Macbench 4.0 FPU-Test mit Libmoto | |||
MacOS 7.5.5 LM | 591 | (124.4%) 100.2% | |
MacOS 7.6 LM | 593 | (124.8%) 100.5% | |
MacOS 8.0 LM | 591 | (124.4%) 100.2% | |
MacOS 8.1 LM | 596 | (125.5%) 101.0% | |
MacOS 8.5 LM | 590 | (124.2%) 100.0% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 LM | 590 | (124.2%) 100.0% | |
MacOS 8.6 LM | 590 | (124.2%) 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 1102 | (127.8%) 99.9% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 1103 | (128.0%) 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 1081 | (125.4%) 98.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 1080 | (125.3%) 97.9% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 1080 | (125.3%) 97.9% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 1052 | (122.0%) 95.4% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 1111 | (128.9%) 100.7% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | (0%) 0% | ||
Macbench 5.0 CPU-Test | |||
MacOS 8.5 | 425 | 99.3% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 | 428 | 100.0% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 428 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 1127 | 98.1% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 1149 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 1126 | 98.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 1118 | 97.3% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 1123 | 97.7% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 1086 | 94.5% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 1127 | 98.1% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | 0% | ||
Macbench 5.0 FPU-Test | |||
MacOS 8.5 | 650 | 100.2% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 | 653 | 100.6% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 649 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 1144 | 99.6% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 1149 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 1127 | 98.1% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 1120 | 97.5% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 1120 | 97.5% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 1098 | 95.6% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 1154 | 100.4% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | 0% | ||
Macbench 5.0 FPU-Test mit Libmoto | |||
MacOS 8.5 LM | 807 | (124.2%) 100.2% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 LM | 811 | (124.2%) 100.7% | |
MacOS 8.6 LM | 805 | (124.0%) 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 1457 | (126.8%) 99.5% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 1464 | (127.4%) 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 1432 | (124.6%) 97.8% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 1430 | (124.5%) 97.7% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 1430 | (124.5%) 97.7% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 1397 | (121.6%) 95.4% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 1476 | (128.5%) 100.8% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | (0%) 0% | ||
NeuroNet - FPU-intensiv | |||
MacOS 7.5.5 | 600 sec. | 110.7% | |
MacOS 7.6 | 600 sec. | 110.7% | |
MacOS 8.0 | 599 sec. | 110.9% | |
MacOS 8.1 | 577 sec. | 115.1% | |
MacOS 8.5 | 578 sec. | 114.9% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 | 581 sec. | 114.3% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 664 sec. | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 309 sec. | 102.3% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 316 sec. | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 312 sec. | 101.3% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 313 sec. | 101.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 312 sec. | 101.3% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 336 sec. | 94.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 311 sec. | 101.6% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | --- sec. | 0% | |
POVray 3.0 - FPU-intensiv | |||
MacOS 7.5.5 | 607 sec. | 85.8% | |
MacOS 7.6 | 729 sec. | 71.5% | |
MacOS 8.0 | 528 sec. | 98.7% | |
MacOS 8.1 | 532 sec. | 97.9% | |
MacOS 8.5 | 506 sec. | 103.0% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 | 520 sec. | 100.2% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 521 sec. | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 214 sec. | 97.2% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 208 sec. | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 205 sec. | 101.5% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 206 sec. | 101.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 205 sec. | 101.5% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 225 sec. | 92.4% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 203 sec. | 102.5% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | --- sec. | 0% | |
Cinema 4D XL | |||
MacOS 7.5.5 | nicht getestet * not tested | ||
MacOS 7.6 | nicht getestet * not tested | ||
MacOS 8.0 | nicht getestet * not tested | ||
MacOS 8.1 | 1259 sec. | 108.8% | |
MacOS 8.5 | 1264 sec. | 108.4% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 | 1272 sec. | 107.7% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 1370 sec. | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 596 sec. | 103.2% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 615 sec. | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 592 sec. | 103.9% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 593 sec. | 103.7% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 597 sec. | 103.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 616 sec. | 99.8% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 596 sec. | 103.2% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | --- sec. | 0% | |
Official Cinema 4D XL Benchmark Suite v1.0 SP-Score | |||
MacOS 7.5.5 | nicht getestet * not tested | ||
MacOS 7.6 | nicht getestet * not tested | ||
MacOS 8.0 | nicht getestet * not tested | ||
MacOS 8.1 | nicht getestet * not tested | ||
MacOS 8.5 | 2.02 | 98.0% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 | 2.02 | 98.0% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 2.06 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 4.73 | 100.2% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 4.72 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 4.76 | 100.8% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 4.67 | 98.9% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 4.68 | 99.2% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 4.50 | 95.3% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 4.77 | 101.1% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | 0% | ||
PhotoShop (50MB PhotoShop-RAM) | |||
MacOS 7.5.5 | nicht getestet * not tested | ||
MacOS 7.6 | nicht getestet * not tested | ||
MacOS 8.0 | nicht getestet * not tested | ||
MacOS 8.1 | 309 sec. | 103.2% | |
MacOS 8.5 | nicht getestet * not tested | ||
MacOS 8.5.1 | 325 sec. | 98.2% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 319 sec. | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 165 sec. | 101.8% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 168 sec. | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 182 sec. | 92.3% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 182 sec. | 92.3% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 182 sec. | 92.3% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 187 sec. | 89.8% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 172 sec. | 97.7% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | --- sec. | 0% | |
Norton System Info Graphix Index | |||
MacOS 8.1 | 150 | 96.2% | |
MacOS 8.5 | 155 | 99.4% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 | 156 | 100.0% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 156 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 542 | 96.6% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 561 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 397 |
(no QD3D RAVE Extension loaded) | 70.8% |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 521 |
(low score: CopyBits Subtests) | 92.9% |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 402 | 71.7% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 399 | 71.1% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 336 | 59.9% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 0% | ||
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | 0% | ||
Unreal Timedemo (Castle Flyby @640x480) | |||
| |||
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 33.1 FPS (13.3-67.7) | 99.7% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 33.2 FPS (13.6-67.4) | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 12.3 FPS (9.0-16.9) | 37.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 32.3 FPS (13.3-69.4) |
(+ QD3D RAVE Extension loaded) | 97.3% |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 32.3 FPS (13.0-69.3) | 97.3% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 32.4 FPS (12.6-69.4) | 97.6% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 31.8 FPS (12.2-68.7) | 95.8% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 0.0 FPS (0.0-0.0) | 0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | --- FPS (0.0-0.0) | 0% | |
Intel-Emulation 32Bit - VirtualPC 2.x mit Winbench 97 | |||
MacOS 7.5.5 | 76.1 | 102.7% | |
MacOS 7.6 | 74.3 | 100.3% | |
MacOS 8.0 | 75.9 | 102.4% | |
MacOS 8.1 | 79.0 | 106.6% | |
MacOS 8.5 | 76.9 | 103.8% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 | 77.6 | 104.7% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 74.1 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 206.0 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 206.0 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 198.0 | 96.1% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 192.0 | 93.2% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 199.0 | 96.6% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 181.0 | 87.8% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 0% | ||
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | 0% | ||
Intel-Emulation 16Bit - VirtualPC 2.x mit Winbench 97 | |||
MacOS 7.5.5 | 54.7 | 96.0% | |
MacOS 7.6 | 53.0 | 93.0% | |
MacOS 8.0 | 59.0 | 103.5% | |
MacOS 8.1 | 55.0 | 96.5% | |
MacOS 8.5 | 54.9 | 96.3% | |
MacOS 8.5.1 | 57.4 | 100.7% | |
MacOS 8.6 | 57.0 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 8.5.1 | 128.0 | 99.2% | |
G3 MacOS 8.6 | 129.0 | 100.0% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 minimum | 127.0 | 98.4% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "Base" | 125.0 | 96.9% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 "All" | 125.0 | 96.9% | |
G3 MacOS 9.0 3rd Party | 117.0 | 90.7% | |
G3 MacOS 9.1 | 0% | ||
G3 MacOS 9.2.1 | 0% | ||
CPU Monopolization Level | Run Time | % | % TOTAL |
tyrannical - 8.5.1 | 214 sec | 97.2% | 123.4% |
tyrannical - 8.6 | 208 sec | 100.0% | 126.9% |
tyrannical - 9.0 (minimum) | 205 sec | 101.5% | 128.8% |
selfishly fast - 8.5.1 | 225 sec | 97.3% | 117.3% |
selfishly fast - 8.6 | 219 sec | 100.0% | 120.5% |
cooperative - 8.5.1 | 270 sec | 97.8% | 98.9% |
cooperative - 8.6 | 264 sec | 100.0% | 100.0% |
polite - 8.5.1 | 529 sec | 97.4% | 49.9% |
polite - 8.6 | 515 sec | 100.0% | 51.3% |
lazy - 8.5.1 | 6519 sec | 97.8% | 4.0% |
lazy - 8.6 | 6373 sec | 100.0% | 4.1% |
Referenz: POVray 3.0, Power Macintosh G3/350, 256 MB RAM, VM off |