Top Scores

Alle Top-Rechner Top 603e + PowerBook Top 604e Top G3 Top G3 Upgrade

Pro Hersteller sind hier die schnellsten Maschinen für die verschiedenen CPU-Typen aufgelistet. Zum Geschwindigkeitsvergleich sind jedem Rechner Macbench 4.0 Ergebnisse beigefügt (sofern vorhanden). Eine komplette Liste aller Rechner und ihrer Ergebnisse finden Sie auf unserer Macbench 4.0-Seite. Below are tables showing each manufacturers fastest machines, split by CPU type. To compair the performance of these systems see the Macbench 4.0 scores shown below. For a complete list of all machines and results visit our Macbench 4.0 Page.
Hinweis: Viele Macbench-Ergebnisse sind Herstellerangaben, die Testbedingungen der Rechner sind nicht zwingendermassen immer dieselben.
Note: Most Macbench results come directly from the manufacturers, not all machines are tested under the exactly same conditions.

Schnellste Rechner pro CPU-Typ

Hersteller Modell CPU MHz Bus L1 L2 Macbench 4.0 CPU Datum
Apple PowerBook 3400c 603e 240 40.0 32k 256k 337 2.1997
Apple PowerBook G3/300 750 300 66.7 64k 1024k 150MHz Backside 1052 9.1998
Apple iMac 750 233 66.7 64k 512k 117MHz 777 8.1998
Motorola StarMax 5000 603e 300 50.0 32k 512k 441 7.1997
SuperMac C600x 603e 280 40.0 32k 1024k 80MHz Inline 511 6.1997
Power Computing PowerCenter 180 604 180 60.0 32k 512k 363 4.1996
Power Computing PowerTower Pro 250 604e 250 50.0 64k 1024k 598 1.1997
Apple PowerMac 9600 604r 400 50/100 64k 1024k 100MHz Inline 852 8.1997
Metabox joeCARD 400 750 420 60.0 64k 1024k 210MHz Backside 1472 11.1998

PowerPC 603e Rechner & PowerBooks

Hersteller Modell MHz Bus L1 L2 Macbench 4.0 CPU Datum
Apple PowerBook 1400c 166 33.3 32k 128k 154 10.1997
Apple PowerBook 3400c 240 40.0 32k 256k 337 2.1997
Apple PowerBook 5300ce 117 33.3 32k --- 116 8.1995
Apple Performa 6360 160 40.0 32k --- 175 9.1996
Apple Performa 6400 200 40.0 32k 256k 258 8.1996
Apple PowerMac 4400 200 40.0 32k 256k 284 11.1996
Apple PowerMac 6500 300 50.0 32k 512k 432 4.1997
Apple Spartacus 250 50.0 32k 256k 364 x.1997
APS M*Power 603e 240 40.0 32k 512k 375 1.1997
Motorola StarMax 3000 240 40.0 32k 512k 376 1.1997
Motorola StarMax 5000 300 50.0 32k 512k 441 7.1997
Power Computing PowerBase 240 40.0 32k 256k 336 11.1996
Power Computing PowerCenter 300 60.0 32k 1024k 426 ?.1996
PowerTools Infinity 3000 240 40.0 32k 512k 374 1.1997
SuperMac C500LT 200 40.0 32k 256k 313 8.1997
SuperMac C600 240 40.0 32k 256k 299 10.1996
SuperMac C600x 280 40.0 32k 1024k 80MHz Inline 511 6.1997

PowerPC 604e/604r Rechner

Hersteller Modell MHz Bus L1 L2 Macbench 4.0 CPU Datum
Apple PowerMac 7300 200 50.0 64k 256k 358 2.1997
Apple PowerMac 8500 180 50.0 64k 256k 329 8.1996
Apple PowerMac 8600 300 50.0 64k 1024k 100MHz Inline 749 8.1997
Apple PowerMac 9500 200 50.0 64k 512k 409 8.1996
Apple PowerMac 9600 350 50.0 64k 1024k 100MHz Inline 788 8.1997
400 50.0 64k 1024k 100MHz Inline 852
APS M*Power 604e 200 40.0 64k 512k 420 10.1996
Mactell XB-Pro 250 250 50.0 64k 512k 515 10.1997
Motorola StarMax 4000 200 40.0 64k 512k 421 10.1996
Motorola StarMax 5500 200 50.0 64k 512k ? 7.1997
PIOS Keenya 604 Pro 200 40.0 64k 512k 334 x.1996
PIOS Magna Mach5 300 60.0 64k 512k 499 x.1997
Power Computing PowerCenter Pro 240 60.0 64k 1024k 631 8.1997
Power Computing PowerTower 200 57.1? 64k 1024k 456 8.1996
Power Computing PowerTower Pro 250 50.0 64k 1024k 598 1.1997
PowerTools Infinity 4200 Pro 200 40.0 64k 512k 425 1.1997
PowerTools Infinity T2 200 50.0 64k 512k 472 9.1997
SuperMac S900 250 50.0 64k 512k 528 3.1997
SuperMac S910 250 50.0 64k 1024k 100MHz Inline 597 7.1997

PowerPC 750 Rechner

Hersteller Modell MHz Bus L1 L2 Backside L3 Macbench 4.0 CPU Datum
Apple PowerMac G3 333 66.7 64k 1024k 167MHz --- 1155 8.1998
333 66.7 64k 1024k 222MHz --- 1213
Apple PowerBook G3 250 50.0 64k 512k 100MHz --- 739 11.1997
Apple PowerBook WallStreet II 300 66.7 64k 1024k 150MHz --- 1052 9.1998
Apple iMac 233 66.7 64k 512k 117MHz --- 777 8.1998
DayStar MacWorks Millennium G3/400+ 420 ? 64k 1024k ???MHz 512k 1471 11.1998
Gravis TT Pro 266 48.0 64k 1024k 177MHz 512k ~1000 10.1997
Mactell XB-Pro 750 266 48.0 64k 1024k 177MHz ??? 956 10.1997
Motorola StarMax Pro 6000 300 66.6 64k 1024k 200MHz 1024k 1071 *7.1997
PIOS Magna 300/G3 300 50.0 64k 1024k 300MHz 512k 1157 12.1997
Power Computing PowerTower Pro G3 275 50.0 64k 1024k 275MHz 1024k 1029 *8.1997
PowerTools X-Factor 250 45.5 64k 512k 125MHz ? 829 9.1997
Storm Surge G3 250 50.0 64k 512k ???MHz ? 840 12.1997
Umax Power 6000 300 66.7 64k 1024k ???MHz ? 1101 CHRP *9.1997
(*) Apple hat die CHRP Lizensierung gestoppt. StarMax Pro 6000 von Motorola, Tatungs TPC-6600 (75 MHz Bus) und einige weitere Clones sind daher nie auf den Markt gelangt. Power Computings Top-Rechner (keine CHRP-Maschine) hat es auch nie bis zur Zertifizierung durch Apple geschafft. (*) Apple has stopped CHRP licensing. Clones like Motorola's StarMax Pro 6000 or Tatung's TPC-6600 (75 MHz Bus) have never been released. The same happend to Power Computing's top clone, which was not a CHRP machine.

PowerPC 750 Upgrades

Hersteller Modell MHz Bus L1 L2 Backside L3 Macbench 4.0 CPU Datum
Bottom Line RailGun G3/300 298 42.7 64k 1024k 298MHz ? 1144 5.1998
339 42.6 64k 1024k 226MHz ? 1224
Booster G3/300 300 46.5 64k 1024k 150MHz --- 1045 x.1998
Booster PM4400 G3/300 300 40.0 64k 1024k 150MHz --- 1039 10.1998
Booster PF5464 G3/240 240 40.0 64k 512k 120MHz --- 748 x.1998
Booster PB1400 G3 233 33.3 64k 512k 117MHz ? 691 x.1998
Mactell PowerJOLT 750-Pro 300 40.0 64k 1024k 300MHz ? 1161 1.1998
Met@box (Pios) joeCARD 400 400 50.0 64k 1024k 200MHz --- 1384 11.98
420 60.0 64k 1024k 210MHz 512k 1472
Newer Technology MAXpowr G3/400 400 50.0 64k 1024k 200MHz ? 1350 1.1999
Newer Technology MAXpowr G3 PDM 240 40.0 64k 1024k 120MHz ? 864 1.1998
Newer Technology MAXpowr G3 L2 320 40.0 64k 1024k 160MHz ? 1125 1.1999
Newer Technology NUpowr 1400 250 33.3 64k 1024k 125MHz ? 873 3.1998
Phase 5 Maccelerate!750-300 300 50.0 64k 1024k 150MHz --- 1045 7.1998
330 55.0 64k 1024k 220MHz --- 1194
PowerLogix PowerForce G3/400 400 ??? 64k 1024k 200MHz --- 1375 1.1999
PowerLogix PowerForce G3 ZIF 400 66.7 64k 1024k 266MHz --- 1475 9.1998
468 66.8 64k 1024k 312MHz --- 1722
Sonnet Crescendo G3/400 400 ? 64k 1024k 200MHz ? 1400 1.1999
Sonnet G3 for NuBus x100 266 33.3 64k 1024k 133MHz ? 920 5.1998
Storm G3/300 Xtreme 300 40.0? 64k 1024k 300MHz ? 1335 6.1998
Storm Runner G3/300 301 50.0 64k 512k 150MHz --- 969 6.1998
336 48.0 64k 512k 168MHz --- 1067
TechWorks PowerCPU G3 300 ? 64k 1024k 150MHz ? 1057 4.1998
Total Impact PowerUP 750 275 ? 64k 1024k 275MHz ? 1120 11.1997
XLR8 / Interex MACh Speed G3 400 400 50.0 64k 1024k 200MHz 512k 1401 10.1998
XLR8 / Interex MACh Speed G3Z 400 400 66.7 64k 1024k 200MHz --- 1416 11.1998

Letzte Änderung * Last Update: