Blaue Balken: Referenzsystem MacOS X 10.2 Jaguar | Blue bars: reference system MacOS X 10.2 Jaguar | |
Grüne Balken: Bessere Leistung als Referenzsystem | Green bars: better performance than reference system | |
Rote Balken: Schlechtere Leistung als Referenzsystem | Red Bars: lower performance than reference system | |
Rote Balken bedeuten, dass das entsprechende System relativ zum Referenz-System schlechter abschneidet. Grüne Balken stehen für eine bessere Leistung als das Referenz-OS, blaue Balken für gleiche Leistung. |
Red bars indicate that the tested system performs worse than the reference system. Green bars indicate better performance, blue bars equal performance to the reference system. | |
Alle Benchmarks werden 3x durchgeführt (nach Neustart) und die Ergebnisse gemittelt. | All benchmarks are run 3x (system restart), the results averaged. | |
Hardware: PowerBook G4/800: PowerPC G4/7455 (v2.1) 800 MHz, 256k onchip L2 Cache (800 MHz, 1:1), 1MB L3 Cache (4:1 DDR-SDRAM = 2:1, 400 MHz), 133 MHz Bus, 512MB SDRAM, ATI Radeon "M7" Mobility 7500 (4X AGP, 32MB DDR-SDRAM, 1280x854 Pixel @32Bit), 60GB Harddisk (10.3.3+: 80GB). | ||
Hardware: PowerBook G4/1667: PowerPC G4/7447A "Apollo" 1667 MHz, 512k onchip L2 Cache (1667 MHz, 1:1), -- L3 Cache, 167 MHz Bus, 2048MB PC-2700 DDR-SDRAM, ATI Radeon Mobility 9700 (4X AGP, 128MB DDR-SDRAM, 1440x900 Pixel @32Bit), 100GB Harddisk (-10.4.3), 160GB Harddisk (10.4.4+). |
Booting [in Seconds] | |||||||
Start: Smiling Mac (10.1.5 "Puma") / Apple Logo (10.2.x "Jaguar", 10.3.x "Panther", 10.4.x "Tiger")
Stop: Login Panel
| |||||||
PowerBook G4/800 | |||||||
MacOS X 10.1.5 | 53sec | 151% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2 | 35sec | 100% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.1 | 34sec | 97% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.2 | 38sec | 109% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.3 | 38sec | 109% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.4 | 45sec | 129% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.5 | 43sec | 123% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.6 | 42sec | 120% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.7 | [ OS X 10.2.7 nur für Power Macintosh G5 * Power Macintosh G5 only ] | ||||||
MacOS X 10.2.8 | 54sec | 154% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3 | 29sec | 83% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.1 | 31sec | 89% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.2 [1] | 55sec | 157% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.2 [2] | 39sec | 111% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.3 | 29sec | 83% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.4 | 34sec | 97% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.5 | 34sec | 97% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.6 | 33sec | 94% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.7 | 32sec | 91% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.8 | 29sec | 83% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.9 | 31sec | 89% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4 | 24sec | 69% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.1 | 21sec | 60% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.2 | 23sec | 66% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.3 | 24sec | 69% | |||||
PowerBook G4/1667 | |||||||
MacOS X 10.3.9 | 27sec | 77% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4 | 23sec | 66% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.1 | 21sec | 60% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.2 | 23sec | 66% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.3 | 23sec | 66% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.4 | 21sec | 60% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.5 | 22sec | 63% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.6 | 21sec | 60% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.7 | 22sec | 63% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.8 | 22sec | 63% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.9 | 24sec | 69% | |||||
Der Bootvorgang ist bei Mac OS X 10.3.x "Panther" deutlich schneller als bei 10.2.x "Jaguar", welcher aber wiederum deutlich schneller aufstartet als das 10.1 "Puma" System. Um faire Werte zu erhalten, werden jeweils vor der Testmessung alle StartupItems deaktiviert (PreferencePanes wie z.B. Diablotin eignen sich dazu recht komfortabel), der Rechner klinkt sich immer als DHCP Client ins lokale Netzwerk (klein, nur drei Computer und ein Drucker), AppleTalk ist deaktiviert.
Zur Ehrenrettung der OS-Versionen 10.1.5 und 10.2.8 muss angemerkt werden, dass sich diese Systeme auf dem Testrechner auf einer relativ stark fragmentierten Partition befunden haben -- der Diskzugriff wäre natürlich nach neuer Installation auf eine frisch formatierte Harddisk oder neue Partition etwas schneller. OS X 10.2 wurde auf eine leere Partition installiert, 10.2.1, 10.2.2 usw. sind sinnigerweise Updates auf diese Installation, der Grad der Diskfragmentierung nimmt hier von Update zu Update sowie durch die tägliche Arbeit am Rechner wieder zu. Analoges gilt für die Installation und Aktualisierung von OS X 10.3. Tendenziell gilt natürlich auch, dass neuere OS-Versionen zwar einerseits besser optimiert, andererseits aber auch zunehmend komplexer und damit umfangreicher werden. Moderne Betriebssysteme können immer mehr, darum verlängert sich durch das Starten all der Services usw. auch der Bootvorgang. |
Booting Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther" is faster than 10.2.x "Jaguar", which on the other side is starting up faster than the 10.1 "Puma" system. To get fair booting times, all StartupItems have been deactivated before the test procedure was run (PreferencePanes like Diablotin do this job quite good), the machine always connects as DHCP client to the local network (which is small, containing only three computers and one printer), AppleTalk is disabled.
The tested 10.1.5 and 10.2.8 installations were run from a really fragmented harddisk partition (being the last updates of their OS series) -- installing them on a formated disk or a new partition would have improved booting times. OS X 10.2 was installed on an empty partition, 10.2.1, 10.2.2 and so on are updates to this installation, each of them, together with the daily work on the computer, increasing disk fragmentation again. The same holds for the 10.3 installation and its updates. Besides all the optimizations an operating system is going through, there are also a lot of new features being added to each new release. Modern operating systems can do more and more, so they get bigger and more complex, and this results in longer boot times. |
Mac OS X 10.3.2 Boottime Fix: | |||||||
[1] Mac OS X 10.3.2 weist nach der Installation (Update) auf einigen Rechnern eine deutlich verlängerte Bootzeit auf. Für dieses Problem gibt es Abhilfe [2]: BootCacheControl ist dafür zuständig, Dateien, die beim Booten benötigt werden, in ein Cache zu schreiben, um die Zeit zum Aufstarten des Systems zu beschleunigen. Während dem Booten wird dieses Executable mehrfach aufgerufen, aber auf einigen 10.3.2 Installationen erfolgt dieser Aufruf u.a. über einen Pfad, wo es nicht existiert (/usr/sbin), und daher wird anstelle der gepufferten Dateien aus dem BootCache jedes einzelne File eingelesen (was deutlich länger dauert). Mit der folgenden Befehlszeile im Terminal wird ein Link erzeugt (alternativ kann man das Binary auch mit cp kopieren), der an besagter Stelle auf das gesuchte Binary zeigt und so bei jedem Aufruf den Zugriff auf die gecachten Dateien ermöglicht (erfordert Administrator-Passwort sowie zwei Bootvorgänge):
| |||||||
sudo ln -s /System/Library/Extensions/BootCache.kext/Contents/Resources/BootCacheControl /usr/sbin/BootCacheControl
(Quelle: Apple Forums) | |||||||
[1] On some installations (updates) of Mac OS X 10.3.2 the boot time is significantly longer than with prior versions of OS X. For this problem there's a fix [2]: BootCacheControl is responsible for creating a cache of files required by the system to boot. During booting this executable is being called a few times, but on some 10.3.2 installations it's called from a path where it's not existing (/usr/sbin), thus the cached files are not being read this time, and booting takes much longer. By typing the following line in your Terminal window you'll create a link to the missing binary (alternatively you can also copy the binary using the cp command), which will allow the BootCache to run and use the cached files (requires administrator password as well as two reboots):
| |||||||
sudo ln -s /System/Library/Extensions/BootCache.kext/Contents/Resources/BootCacheControl /usr/sbin/BootCacheControl
(Source: Apple Forums) | |||||||
Login [in Seconds] | |||||||
Start: Login
Stop: [1] Finder Icons / [2] Dock (Reihenfolge kann umgekehrt sein * They may appear in opposite order)
| |||||||
PowerBook G4/800 | [1] Finder Icons | [2] Dock | |||||
MacOS X 10.1.5 | 4.4sec | 71% | 7.1sec | 83% | |||
MacOS X 10.2 | 6.2sec | 100% | 8.6sec | 100% | |||
MacOS X 10.2.1 | 5.7sec | 92% | 8.2sec | 95% | |||
MacOS X 10.2.2 | 7.8sec | 126% | 14.4sec | 167% | |||
MacOS X 10.2.3 | 6.4sec | 103% | 9.7sec | 113% | |||
MacOS X 10.2.4 | 6.9sec | 111% | 9.5sec | 110% | |||
MacOS X 10.2.5 | 7.8sec | 126% | 15.6sec | 181% | |||
MacOS X 10.2.6 | 8.1sec | 131% | 12.5sec | 145% | |||
MacOS X 10.2.8 | 8.2sec | 132% | 6.7sec | 78% | |||
MacOS X 10.3 | 9.0sec | 145% | 3.4sec | 40% | |||
MacOS X 10.3.1 | 9.4sec | 152% | 4.5sec | 52% | |||
MacOS X 10.3.2 | 8.3sec | 134% | 5.4sec | 63% | |||
MacOS X 10.3.3 | 9.1sec | 147% | 2.3sec | 27% | |||
MacOS X 10.3.4 | 5.8sec | 94% | 4.2sec | 49% | |||
MacOS X 10.3.5 | 5.9sec | 95% | 3.6sec | 42% | |||
MacOS X 10.3.6 | 5.6sec | 90% | 3.1sec | 36% | |||
MacOS X 10.3.7 | 6.5sec | 105% | 3.1sec | 36% | |||
MacOS X 10.3.8 | 4.9sec | 79% | 4.1sec | 48% | |||
MacOS X 10.3.9 | 6.2sec | 100% | 3.0sec | 35% | |||
MacOS X 10.4 | 5.0sec | 81% | 5.0sec | 58% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.1 | 5.3sec | 85% | 3.5sec | 41% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.2 | 5.4sec | 87% | 4.0sec | 47% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.3 | 3.6sec | 58% | 4.2sec | 49% | |||
PowerBook G4/1667 | [1] Finder Icons | [2] Dock | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.9 | 6.2sec | 100% | 16.5sec | 192% | |||
MacOS X 10.4 | 5.4sec | 87% | 2.4sec | 28% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.1 | 5.5sec | 89% | 2.6sec | 30% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.2 | 4.7sec | 76% | 1.7sec | 20% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.3 | 5.3sec | 85% | 3.2sec | 37% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.4 | 2.9sec | 47% | 0.9sec | 10% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.5 | 3.9sec | 63% | 1.8sec | 21% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.6 | 4.0sec | 65% | 1.3sec | 15% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.7 | 2.9sec | 47% | 1.1sec | 13% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.8 | 3.4sec | 55% | 1.1sec | 13% | |||
MacOS X 10.4.9 | 3.4sec | 55% | 3.4sec | 40% | |||
PowerBook G4/800 | Total = [1] Finder Icons + [2] Dock | ||||||
MacOS X 10.1.5 | 11.5sec | 77.7% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2 | 14.8sec | 100.0% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.1 | 13.9sec | 93.9% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.2 | 22.2sec | 150.0% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.3 | 16.1sec | 108.8% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.4 | 16.4sec | 110.8% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.5 | 23.4sec | 158.1% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.6 | 20.6sec | 139.2% | |||||
MacOS X 10.2.8 | 14.9sec | 100.7% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3 | 12.4sec | 83.8% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.1 | 13.9sec | 93.9% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.2 | 13.7sec | 92.6% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.3 | 11.4sec | 77.0% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.4 | 10.0sec | 67.6% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.5 | 9.5sec | 64.2% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.6 | 8.7sec | 58.8% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.7 | 9.6sec | 64.9% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.8 | 9.0sec | 60.8% | |||||
MacOS X 10.3.9 | 9.2sec | 62.2% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4 | 10.0sec | 67.6% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.1 | 8.8sec | 59.5% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.2 | 9.4sec | 63.5% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.3 | 7.8sec | 52.7% | |||||
PowerBook G4/1667 | Total = [1] Finder Icons + [2] Dock | ||||||
MacOS X 10.3.9 | 22.7sec | 153.4% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4 | 7.8sec | 52.7% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.1 | 8.1sec | 54.7% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.2 | 6.4sec | 43.2% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.3 | 8.5sec | 57.4% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.4 | 3.8sec | 25.7% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.5 | 5.7sec | 38.5% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.6 | 5.3sec | 35.8% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.7 | 4.0sec | 27.0% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.8 | 4.5sec | 30.4% | |||||
MacOS X 10.4.9 | 6.8sec | 45.9% | |||||
Alle Tests werden unter einem neu angelegten User Account durchgeführt (keine Login Items konfiguriert). Web- und Filesharing sind deaktiviert. Die Zwischenzeit wird beim Erscheinen des Docks gemessen, die Endzeit sobald die Laufwerke auf dem Desktop sichtbar werden. Interessanterweise ist das älteste System hier schneller als 10.2 Jaguar und 10.3 Panther. Wir haben festgestellt, dass nicht in jedem User-Account und auf jedem Rechner zuerst das Dock und danach die Icons der Laufwerke auf dem Desktop erscheinen, daher geben wir auch die Summe der beiden Einzelzeiten an. | |||||||
All tests are run under a new user account (no login items configured). Web and file sharing are disabled. The lap time is taken when the dock appears, the end time is stopped when the drive icons appear on the desktop. Interestingly the old system is faster than Jaguar and Panther. We noticed that not under all user accounts on all machines the dock loads before the drive icons appear on the desktop. thus we also provide the accumlated time. | |||||||
Application Launching / Relaunching [in Seconds] | |||||||
| |||||||
PowerBook G4/800 | Launching Internet Explorer | Re-Launching Internet Explorer | |||||
10.1.5, IE 5.2.1 | 4.6sec | 107% | 1.4sec | 117% | |||
10.2.0, IE 5.2.1 | 4.3sec | 100% | 1.2sec | 100% | |||
10.2.1, IE 5.2.1 | 5.9sec | 137% | 1.4sec | 117% | |||
10.2.2, IE 5.2.2 | 3.6sec | 84% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.2.3, IE 5.2.2 | 5.3sec | 123% | 1.4sec | 117% | |||
10.2.4, IE 5.2.2 | 5.7sec | 133% | 1.7sec | 142% | |||
10.2.5, IE 5.2.2 | 5.2sec | 121% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.2.6, IE 5.2.2 | 6.7sec | 156% | 1.7sec | 142% | |||
10.2.8, IE 5.2.2 | 3.9sec | 91% | 1.7sec | 142% | |||
10.3.0, IE 5.2.3 | 4.0sec | 93% | 1.4sec | 117% | |||
10.3.1, IE 5.2.3 | 4.0sec | 93% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.3.2, IE 5.2.3 | 4.1sec | 95% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.3.3, IE 5.2.3 | 4.1sec | 95% | 1.4sec | 117% | |||
10.3.4, IE 5.2.3 | 3.5sec | 81% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.3.5, IE 5.2.3 | 3.5sec | 81% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.3.6, IE 5.2.3 | 4.2sec | 98% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.3.7, IE 5.2.3 | 3.6sec | 84% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.3.8, IE 5.2.3 | 3.9sec | 91% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.3.9, IE 5.2.3 | 3.5sec | 81% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.4.0, IE 5.2.3 | 5.1sec | 119% | 1.4sec | 117% | |||
10.4.1, IE 5.2.3 | 4.9sec | 114% | 1.4sec | 117% | |||
10.4.2, IE 5.2.3 | 4.1sec | 95% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.4.3, IE 5.2.3 | 5.9sec | 137% | 1.4sec | 117% | |||
PowerBook G4/1667 | Launching Internet Explorer | Re-Launching Internet Explorer | |||||
10.3.9, IE 5.2.3 | 3.4sec | 79% | 1.0sec | 83% | |||
10.4.0, IE 5.2.3 | 6.5sec | 151% | 2.6sec | 217% | |||
10.4.1, IE 5.2.3 | 4.7sec | 109% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.4.2, IE 5.2.3 | 4.1sec | 95% | 1.2sec | 100% | |||
10.4.3, IE 5.2.3 | 4.5sec | 105% | 0.9sec | 75% | |||
10.4.4, IE 5.2.3 | N/T | N/T | |||||
10.4.5, IE 5.2.3 | 3.3sec | 77% | 1.0sec | 83% | |||
10.4.6, IE 5.2.3 | 3.6sec | 84% | 1.0sec | 83% | |||
10.4.7, IE 5.2.3 | 4.8sec | 112% | 1.1sec | 92% | |||
10.4.8, IE 5.2.3 | 3.8sec | 88% | 1.0sec | 83% | |||
10.4.9, IE 5.2.3 | 3.2sec | 74% | 1.0sec | 83% | |||
PowerBook G4/800 | Launching iTunes | Re-Launching iTunes | |||||
10.1.5, iTunes 3.0 | 3.0sec | 91% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.2.0, iTunes 3.0 | 3.3sec | 100% | 1.2sec | 100% | |||
10.2.1, iTunes 3.0.1 | 3.5sec | 106% | 1.2sec | 100% | |||
10.2.2, iTunes 3.0.1 | 3.8sec | 115% | 1.4sec | 117% | |||
10.2.3, iTunes 3.0.1 | 3.7sec | 112% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.2.4, iTunes 3.0.1 | 4.0sec | 121% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.2.5, iTunes 3.0.1 | 3.4sec | 103% | 1.4sec | 117% | |||
10.2.5, iTunes 4.0 | 6.6sec | 200% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.2.6, iTunes 4.0 | 4.7sec | 142% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.2.8, iTunes 4.1 | 5.5sec | 167% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.3.0, iTunes 4.0 | 4.2sec | 127% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.3.0, iTunes 4.1 | 4.8sec | 145% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.3.1, iTunes 4.1 | 4.2sec | 127% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.3.2, iTunes 4.1 | 3.9sec | 118% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.3.2, iTunes 4.2 | 4.2sec | 127% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.3.3, iTunes 4.5 | 4.5sec | 136% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.3.3, iTunes 4.6 | 4.4sec | 133% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.3.4, iTunes 4.6 | 3.7sec | 112% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.3.5, iTunes 4.6 | 3.9sec | 118% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.3.5, iTunes 4.7 | 4.2sec | 127% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.3.6, iTunes 4.7 | 3.7sec | 112% | 1.7sec | 142% | |||
10.3.7, iTunes 4.7 | 3.8sec | 115% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.3.7, iTunes 4.7.1 | 4.2sec | 127% | 1.9sec | 158% | |||
10.3.8, iTunes 4.7.1 | 3.8sec | 115% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.7.1 | 4.6sec | 139% | 1.7sec | 142% | |||
10.4.0, iTunes 4.7.1 | 4.6sec | 139% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.4.1, iTunes 4.7.1 | 3.8sec | 115% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.4.1, iTunes 5.0.1 | 4.5sec | 136% | 1.8sec | 150% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0.1 | 4.2sec | 127% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.4.3, iTunes 6.0.2 | 4.4sec | 133% | 1.7sec | 142% | |||
PowerBook G4/1667 | Launching iTunes | Re-Launching iTunes | |||||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.7.1 | 3.4sec | 103% | 1.2sec | 100% | |||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.8 | 3.5sec | 106% | 1.1sec | 92% | |||
10.4.0, iTunes 4.8 | 3.6sec | 109% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.4.1, iTunes 4.9 | 4.5sec | 136% | 1.7sec | 142% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 4.9 | 3.6sec | 109% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0 | 3.2sec | 97% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0.1 | 5.0sec | 152% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.4.3, iTunes 6.0.1 | 3.8sec | 115% | 1.1sec | 92% | |||
10.4.4, iTunes 6.0.2 | N/T | N/T | |||||
10.4.5, iTunes 6.0.4 | 4.7sec | 142% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.4.6, iTunes 6.0.4 | 4.2sec | 127% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.4.6, iTunes 6.0.5 | 4.4sec | 133% | 1.3sec | 108% | |||
10.4.7, iTunes 7.0 | 5.6sec | 170% | 1.6sec | 133% | |||
10.4.7, iTunes 7.0.1 | 5.6sec | 170% | 1.5sec | 125% | |||
10.4.8, iTunes 7.0.2 | 5.3sec | 161% | 1.7sec | 142% | |||
10.4.8, iTunes 7.1 | 7.0sec | 212% | 2.0sec | 167% | |||
10.4.9, iTunes 7.1.1 | 7.4sec | 224% | 2.0sec | 167% | |||
Das Starten und Wieder-Starten von Anwendungen zeigt unterschiedliche Ergebnisse zum Guten und Schlechten praktisch jeder OS/Anwendungs-Kombination. Meist sind diese Differenzen subjektiv nicht wahrnehmbar; der Internet Explorer 5.2.x fällt hier allerdings manchmal etwas aus dem Rahmen.
Da die Zeiten von Hand gestoppt werden, wirken sich kleine Unterschiede in den Reaktionszeiten gerade beim Re-Launch Test prozentual stärker aus. |
Application launching and re-launching shows mixed results for the good and bad of every OS/app combination. In most cases the difference is subjectively not noticable; Internet Explorer 5.2.x sometimes shows unpredictable long or short launch times.
Since the times are measured manually there's some amount of impreciseness, especially for the short re-launch times. |
CD Ripping (MP3) [in Seconds] | |||||||
| |||||||
PowerBook G4/800 | |||||||
10.1.5, iTunes 3.0 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.2.0, iTunes 3.0 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.2.1, iTunes 3.0.1 | 30sec | 51% | |||||
10.2.2, iTunes 3.0.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.2.3, iTunes 3.0.1 | 30sec | 51% | |||||
10.2.4, iTunes 3.0.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.2.5, iTunes 3.0.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.2.5, iTunes 4.0 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.2.6, iTunes 4.0 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.2.8, iTunes 4.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.0, iTunes 4.0 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.0, iTunes 4.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.1, iTunes 4.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.2, iTunes 4.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.2, iTunes 4.2 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.3, iTunes 4.5 | 58sec | 98% | |||||
10.3.3, iTunes 4.6 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.4, iTunes 4.6 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.5, iTunes 4.6 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.6, iTunes 4.7 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.7, iTunes 4.7 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.7, iTunes 4.7.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.3.8, iTunes 4.7.1 | 56sec | 95% | |||||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.7.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.4.0, iTunes 4.7.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.4.1, iTunes 4.7.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.4.1, iTunes 5.0.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0.1 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
10.4.3, iTunes 6.0.2 | 59sec | 100% | |||||
PowerBook G4/1667 | |||||||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.7.1 | 39sec | 66% | |||||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.8 | 62sec | 105% | |||||
10.4.0, iTunes 4.8 | 62sec | 105% | |||||
10.4.1, iTunes 4.9 | 39sec | 66% | |||||
10.4.2, iTunes 4.9 | 38sec | 64% | |||||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0 | 39sec | 66% | |||||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0.1 | 39sec | 66% | |||||
10.4.3, iTunes 6.0.1 | 39sec | 66% | |||||
10.4.4, iTunes 6.0.2 | N/T | ||||||
10.4.5, iTunes 6.0.4 | N/T | ||||||
10.4.6, iTunes 6.0.4 | 39sec | 66% | |||||
10.4.6, iTunes 6.0.5 | 39sec | 66% | |||||
10.4.7, iTunes 7.0 | 39sec | 66% | |||||
10.4.7, iTunes 7.0.1 | 39sec | 66% | |||||
10.4.8, iTunes 7.0.2 | 40sec | 68% | |||||
10.4.8, iTunes 7.1 | 39sec | 66% | |||||
10.4.9, iTunes 7.1.1 | 39sec | 66% | |||||
iTunes 3.01 erhöht unter OS X 10.2.1 und 10.2.3 die CD-Umdrehungsgeschwindigkeit beim Rippen, mit der erfreulichen Auswirkung, dass die Musikstücke rund doppelt so schnell encodiert werden. Wir konnten diesen Effekt mit den erwähnten OS-Versionen beliebig oft reproduzieren, allerdings nicht mit jeder CD. Warum das bei den anderen, insbesondere auch neueren OS X Versionen nicht mehr klappt konnten wir nicht ergründenen. Offensichtlich bremst Apple oder aber auch das CD-Laufwerk selber die Drehgeschwindigkeit bei portablen Rechnern ab, damit der Geräuschpegel (angenehm) tief bleibt, vermutlich muss die eingelegte CD bestimmten Kriterien genügen, um schneller rotiert zu werden -- unwuchtige CDs verursachen ziemlich viel Lärm und starke, unangenehme Vibrationen in flachen Laufwerken wie demjenigen des PowerBook G4. | |||||||
With iTunes 3.01 under MacOS X version 10.2.1 and 10.2.3 the CD spins much faster while ripping. Encoding to MP3 format is twice as fast. We could reproduce this effect as many times as we tried, but not with every CD we tested. Why this doesn't work under other, especially newer versions of OS X, we don't know. It could be that Apple (or the drive itself) reduces the CD spinning speed if some criteria are not fulfilled (like being a well balanced CD that won't spin excentric). CD drives of portable computers like the PowerBook G4 will produce a lot of noise and annoying vibrations if an unbalanced CD is spinning at high rpm. | |||||||
iTunes Fullscreen Visuals [Frames Per Second] | |||||||
| |||||||
PowerBook G4/800 | Framerate min. | Framerate max. | |||||
10.1.5, iTunes 3.0 | 38fps | 90% | 48fps | 96% | |||
10.2.0, iTunes 3.0 | 42fps | 100% | 50fps | 100% | |||
10.2.1, iTunes 3.0.1 | 44fps | 105% | 54fps | 108% | |||
10.2.2, iTunes 3.0.1 | 42fps | 100% | 54fps | 108% | |||
10.2.3, iTunes 3.0.1 | 38fps | 90% | 54fps | 108% | |||
10.2.4, iTunes 3.0.1 | 37fps | 88% | 50fps | 100% | |||
10.2.5, iTunes 3.0.1 | 36fps | 86% | 54fps | 108% | |||
10.2.5, iTunes 4.0 | 38fps | 90% | 54fps | 108% | |||
10.2.6, iTunes 4.0 | 40fps | 95% | 54fps | 108% | |||
10.2.8, iTunes 4.1 | 38fps | 90% | 52fps | 104% | |||
10.3.0, iTunes 4.0 | 27fps | 64% | 41fps | 82% | |||
10.3.0, iTunes 4.1 | 26fps | 62% | 48fps | 96% | |||
10.3.1, iTunes 4.1 | 24fps | 57% | 44fps | 88% | |||
10.3.2, iTunes 4.1 | 26fps | 62% | 52fps | 104% | |||
10.3.2, iTunes 4.2 | 30fps | 71% | 48fps | 96% | |||
10.3.3, iTunes 4.5 | 29fps | 69% | 50fps | 100% | |||
10.3.3, iTunes 4.6 | 21fps | 50% | 48fps | 96% | |||
10.3.4, iTunes 4.6 | 23fps | 55% | 54fps | 108% | |||
10.3.5, iTunes 4.6 | 25fps | 60% | 48fps | 96% | |||
10.3.5, iTunes 4.7 | 24fps | 57% | 48fps | 96% | |||
10.3.6, iTunes 4.7 | 24fps | 57% | 44fps | 88% | |||
10.3.7, iTunes 4.7 | 24fps | 57% | 48fps | 96% | |||
10.3.7, iTunes 4.7.1 | 23fps | 55% | 46fps | 92% | |||
10.3.8, iTunes 4.7.1 | 25fps | 60% | 50fps | 100% | |||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.7.1 | 27fps | 64% | 50fps | 100% | |||
10.4.0, iTunes 4.7.1 | 27fps | 64% | 48fps | 96% | |||
10.4.1, iTunes 4.7.1 | 24fps | 57% | 52fps | 104% | |||
10.4.1, iTunes 5.0.1 | 19fps | 45% | 49fps | 98% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0.1 | 24fps | 57% | 50fps | 100% | |||
10.4.3, iTunes 6.0.2 | 0fps | 0% | 0fps | 0% | |||
PowerBook G4/1667 | Framerate min. | Framerate max. | |||||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.7.1 | 41fps | 98% | 63fps | 126% | |||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.8 | 29fps | 69% | 63fps | 126% | |||
10.4.0, iTunes 4.8 | 32fps | 76% | 61fps | 122% | |||
10.4.1, iTunes 4.9 | 33fps | 79% | 61fps | 122% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 4.9 | 33fps | 79% | 62fps | 124% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0 | 32fps | 76% | 62fps | 124% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0.1 | 30fps | 71% | 61fps | 122% | |||
10.4.3, iTunes 6.0.1 | 28fps | 67% | 63fps | 126% | |||
10.4.4, iTunes 6.0.2 | N/T | N/T | |||||
10.4.5, iTunes 6.0.4 | 29fps | 69% | 59fps | 118% | |||
10.4.6, iTunes 6.0.4 | 28fps | 67% | 55fps | 110% | |||
10.4.6, iTunes 6.0.5 | 26fps | 62% | 53fps | 106% | |||
iTunes 4-6 | Fullscreen = 640x480 | ||||||
iTunes 7+ | Fullscreen = 1440x900 | ||||||
10.4.7, iTunes 7.0 | 29fps | 69% | 46fps | 92% | |||
10.4.7, iTunes 7.0.1 | 20fps | 48% | 46fps | 92% | |||
10.4.8, iTunes 7.0.2 | 21fps | 50% | 47fps | 94% | |||
10.4.8, iTunes 7.1 | 26fps | 62% | 44fps | 88% | |||
10.4.9, iTunes 7.1.1 | 29fps | 69% | 46fps | 92% | |||
Während Puma und Jaguar (MacOS X 10.1 und 10.2) annähernd gleich viele Bilder pro Sekunde zaubern, fällt Panther (10.3) etwas ins Hintertreffen. Dies entspricht eigentlich nicht der subjektiv wahrgenommenen Bediengeschwindigkeit des 10.3 Systems, die ganze Grafische Oberfläche wirkt ansonsten viel fluider und schneller. Das zeigt einmal mehr, dass Benchmark Resultate sehr leicht zu falschen generellen Annahmen verleiten können.
Die angegebenen Frameraten wurden über jeweils eine Beobachtungsperiode von ca. zwei Minuten ermittelt, dies sind also keineswegs exakte Messdaten, auch schon deshalb nicht, weil die Visualizer zum Teil auf zufällig gewählten Effekten beruhen, die die CPU und den Grafikprozessor unterschiedlich stark beanspruchen -- die Aussagekraft dieser Zahlen ist geringer als bei Zeitmessungen für einen wohldefinierten Arbeitsablauf. |
There's not a big difference between Puma and Jaguar (OS X 10.1 to 10.2), but Panther (10.3) falls behind, which is very interesting since this systems graphical user interface generally feels a lot more fluid and responsive than the one of its predecessors. This is just another example of how benchmark scores can easily guide you to wrong general assumptions.
The framerates were observed over the period of about two minutes, they are not properly measurable because the visualizer relies to some degree on effects chosen by random, and these effects are using the CPU and graphics accelerator to different extents. This task is not comparable to measuring the time it takes to complete a well defined computation problem. |
Aqua Transparency [Frames Per Second] | |||||||
| |||||||
PowerBook G4/800 | Framerate min. | Framerate max. | |||||
10.1.5, iTunes 3.0 | 6fps | 24% | 8fps | 23% | |||
10.2.0, iTunes 3.0 | 25fps | 100% | 35fps | 100% | |||
10.2.1, iTunes 3.0.1 | 25fps | 100% | 35fps | 100% | |||
10.2.2, iTunes 3.0.1 | 24fps | 96% | 35fps | 100% | |||
10.2.3, iTunes 3.0.1 | 20fps | 80% | 36fps | 103% | |||
10.2.4, iTunes 3.0.1 | 22fps | 88% | 36fps | 103% | |||
10.2.5, iTunes 3.0.1 | 20fps | 80% | 36fps | 103% | |||
10.2.5, iTunes 4.0 | 20fps | 80% | 36fps | 103% | |||
10.2.6, iTunes 4.0 | 20fps | 80% | 35fps | 100% | |||
10.2.8, iTunes 4.1 | 20fps | 80% | 37fps | 106% | |||
10.3.0, iTunes 4.0 | 19fps | 76% | 29fps | 83% | |||
10.3.0, iTunes 4.1 | 17fps | 68% | 31fps | 89% | |||
10.3.1, iTunes 4.1 | 17fps | 68% | 30fps | 86% | |||
10.3.2, iTunes 4.1 | 18fps | 72% | 34fps | 97% | |||
10.3.2, iTunes 4.2 | 20fps | 80% | 34fps | 97% | |||
10.3.3, iTunes 4.5 | 22fps | 88% | 32fps | 91% | |||
10.3.3, iTunes 4.6 | 18fps | 72% | 32fps | 91% | |||
10.3.4, iTunes 4.6 | 18fps | 72% | 32fps | 91% | |||
10.3.5, iTunes 4.6 | 18fps | 72% | 32fps | 91% | |||
10.3.5, iTunes 4.7 | 18fps | 72% | 33fps | 94% | |||
10.3.6, iTunes 4.7 | 17fps | 68% | 32fps | 91% | |||
10.3.7, iTunes 4.7 | 16fps | 64% | 33fps | 94% | |||
10.3.7, iTunes 4.7.1 | 16fps | 64% | 32fps | 91% | |||
10.3.8, iTunes 4.7.1 | 16fps | 64% | 31fps | 89% | |||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.7.1 | 17fps | 68% | 31fps | 89% | |||
10.4.0, iTunes 4.7.1 | 17fps | 68% | 34fps | 97% | |||
10.4.1, iTunes 4.7.1 | 16fps | 64% | 34fps | 97% | |||
10.4.1, iTunes 5.0.1 | 16fps | 64% | 32fps | 91% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0.1 | 17fps | 68% | 32fps | 91% | |||
10.4.3, iTunes 6.0.2 | 0fps | 0% | 0fps | 0% | |||
PowerBook G4/1667 | Framerate min. | Framerate max. | |||||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.7.1 | 29fps | 116% | 50fps | 143% | |||
10.3.9, iTunes 4.8 | 23fps | 92% | 49fps | 140% | |||
10.4.0, iTunes 4.8 | 35fps | 140% | 49fps | 140% | |||
10.4.1, iTunes 4.9 | 32fps | 128% | 48fps | 137% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 4.9 | 31fps | 124% | 50fps | 143% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0 | 28fps | 112% | 48fps | 137% | |||
10.4.2, iTunes 5.0.1 | 28fps | 112% | 47fps | 134% | |||
10.4.3, iTunes 6.0.1 | 25fps | 100% | 51fps | 146% | |||
10.4.4, iTunes 6.0.2 | N/T | N/T | |||||
10.4.5, iTunes 6.0.4 | 30fps | 120% | 48fps | 137% | |||
10.4.6, iTunes 6.0.4 | 28fps | 112% | 47fps | 134% | |||
10.4.6, iTunes 6.0.5 | 30fps | 120% | 44fps | 126% | |||
10.4.7, iTunes 7.0 | 27fps | 108% | 45fps | 129% | |||
10.4.7, iTunes 7.0.1 | 27fps | 108% | 45fps | 129% | |||
10.4.8, iTunes 7.0.2 | 28fps | 112% | 44fps | 126% | |||
10.4.8, iTunes 7.1 | 28fps | 112% | 43fps | 123% | |||
10.4.9, iTunes 7.1.1 | 33fps | 132% | 46fps | 131% | |||
Der hardwarebeschleunigte Quartz Extreme Layer, der mit Mac OS X Jaguar (10.2) eingeführt wurde, zeigt ganz klar, dass hier bisher brachliegendes Potential auszuschöpfen ist. Die Framerate erreicht in diesem Test das 4-5fache gegenüber der reinen Softwareimplementation in OS X 10.1.5 (und älter). Wie schon im iTunes Fullscreen Visuals Test fällt OS X 10.3 auch hier interessanterweise leicht hinter Jaguar zurück, das dürfte aber weniger an Quartz Extreme als vielmehr am nicht optimierten iTunes liegen.
Auch in diesem Test wird ein Bereich von beobachteten Frameraten angegeben, genau messen lässt sich diese Rate nicht (siehe auch iTunes Fullscreen Visuals Benchmark). |
The hardware accelerated Quartz Extreme Layer, introduced in Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar, shows an impressive performance gain. The framerate in our test is 4-5 times as high compared to the software implementation of Quartz in OS X 10.1.5 (and older). Like in the iTunes Fullscreen Visuals test, OS X 10.3 shows -- contrary to all expectations -- a lower framerate than 10.2 -- the cause might be more on the inappropriate optimization level of iTunes, than on the implementation of Panthers Quartz Extreme.
Again, we just give a range of observed framerates, there is no way to measure an exact rate in this task (see also explanation of iTunes Fullscreen Visuals benchmark). |
Quake 3 [Frames Per Second] | |||||||
| |||||||
PowerBook G4/800 | |||||||
10.1.5, Quake 3 | N/T | --- | --- | ||||
10.2.0, Quake 3 | N/T | --- | --- | ||||
10.2.1, Quake 3 1.3.2 | 67.8fps | 100.0% | |||||
10.2.2, Quake 3 1.3.2 | 67.7fps | 99.9% | |||||
10.2.3, Quake 3 1.3.2 | 67.5fps | 99.6% | |||||
10.2.4, Quake 3 1.3.2 | 52.7fps | 77.7% | |||||
10.2.5, Quake 3 1.3.2 | 65.2fps | 96.2% | |||||
10.2.6, Quake 3 1.3.2 | 65.6fps | 96.8% | |||||
10.2.6, Quake 3 1.3.2b | 67.4fps | 99.4% | |||||
10.2.6, Quake 3 1.3.2b-G4 | 78.8fps | 116.2% | |||||
10.2.6, Quake 3 1.3.2b2 | 69.7fps | 102.8% | |||||
10.2.6, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 82.4fps | 121.5% | |||||
10.2.8, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 79.1fps | 116.7% | |||||
10.3.0, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 83.9fps | 123.7% | |||||
10.3.1, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 83.7fps | 123.5% | |||||
10.3.2, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 85.7fps | 126.4% | |||||
10.3.3, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 86.6fps | 127.7% | |||||
10.3.4, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 85.9fps | 126.7% | |||||
10.3.5, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 85.7fps | 126.4% | |||||
10.3.6, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 85.4fps | 126.0% | |||||
10.3.7, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 85.6fps | 126.3% | |||||
10.3.8, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 85.8fps | 126.5% | |||||
10.3.9, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 85.0fps | 125.4% | |||||
10.4.0, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 85.1fps | 125.5% | |||||
10.4.1, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 84.2fps | 124.2% | |||||
10.4.2, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 84.1fps | 124.0% | |||||
10.4.3, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 83.3fps | 122.9% | |||||
OS 9.2.2, Quake 3 1.3.0 | 90.3fps | 133.2% | |||||
PowerBook G4/1667 | |||||||
10.3.9, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 111.7fps | 164.7% | |||||
10.4.0, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 115.1fps | 169.8% | |||||
10.4.1, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 108.7fps | 160.3% | |||||
10.4.2, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 108.4fps | 159.9% | |||||
10.4.3, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 115.3fps | 170.1% | |||||
10.4.4, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 115.2fps | 169.9% | |||||
10.4.5, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 115.1fps | 169.8% | |||||
10.4.6, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 107.6fps | 158.7% | |||||
10.4.7, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 107.8fps | 159.0% | |||||
10.4.8, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 108.0fps | 159.3% | |||||
10.4.9, Quake 3 1.3.2b2-G4 | 111.2fps | 164.0% | |||||
Die Framerate im 3D Egoshooter Quake 3 hat sich über alle OS X Versionen hinweg leicht gesteigert, bricht unter OS X 10.2.4 aber markant ein. Mit MacOS 9 liegt die erzielte Bildwiederholrate immer noch über derjenigen des neuesten OS X Systems. Wir haben Quake nicht mit OS X 10.1.5 und 10.2 gemessen. | |||||||
The framerate in the egoshooter Quake 3 has improved a bit through all the OS X versions; however, under OS X 10.2.4 it looks a bit out of shape. The performance under MacOS 9 is interesting to compare, it's still performing better than the newest OS X system. We didn't run Quake on OS X 10.1.5 und 10.2. | |||||||
Virtual PC (Windows 98SE, Winbench 97 v1.1) | |||||||
| |||||||
PowerBook G4/800 | [1] CPU 16 Bit | [2] CPU 32 Bit | |||||
10.2.5, VPC 5.0 | 203 | 100% | 385 | 100% | |||
10.2.5, VPC 5.0.4 | 193 | 95% | 350 | 91% | |||
10.2.5, VPC 6.0 | 213 | 105% | 409 | 106% | |||
10.2.5, VPC 6.0.1 | 214 | 105% | 407 | 106% | |||
10.2.6, VPC 6.0.1 | 212 | 104% | 415 | 108% | |||
10.2.8, VPC 6.0.1 | 212 | 104% | 397 | 103% | |||
10.3.0, VPC 6.0.1 | 192 | 95% | 405 | 105% | |||
10.3.1, VPC 6.0.1 | 209 | 103% | 361 | 94% | |||
10.3.2, VPC 6.0.1 | 209 | 103% | 404 | 105% | |||
10.3.3, VPC 6.0.1 | 214 | 105% | 410 | 106% | |||
10.3.4, VPC 6.0.1 | 213 | 105% | 407 | 106% | |||
10.3.5, VPC 6.0.1 | 209 | 103% | 413 | 107% | |||
10.3.6, VPC 6.0.1 | 213 | 105% | 425 | 110% | |||
10.3.7, VPC 6.0.1 | 212 | 104% | 395 | 103% | |||
10.3.8, VPC 6.0.1 | 215 | 106% | 415 | 108% | |||
10.3.9, VPC 6.0.1 | 205 | 101% | 398 | 103% | |||
10.4.0, VPC 6.0.1 | 212 | 104% | 409 | 106% | |||
10.4.1, VPC 6.0.1 | 209 | 103% | 413 | 107% | |||
10.4.2, VPC 6.0.1 | 212 | 104% | 421 | 109% | |||
10.4.3, VPC 6.0.1 | 212 | 104% | 423 | 110% | |||
PowerBook G4/1667 | [1] CPU 16 Bit | [2] CPU 32 Bit | |||||
10.3.9, VPC 6.0.1 | 264 | 130% | 514 | 134% | |||
10.4.0, VPC 6.0.1 | 274 | 135% | 515 | 134% | |||
10.4.1, VPC 6.0.1 | 277 | 136% | 509 | 132% | |||
10.4.2, VPC 6.0.1 | 256 | 126% | 515 | 134% | |||
10.4.3, VPC 6.0.1 | 274 | 135% | 521 | 135% | |||
10.4.4, VPC 6.0.1 | N/T | N/T | |||||
10.4.5, VPC 6.0.1 | 266 | 131% | 533 | 138% | |||
10.4.6, VPC 6.0.1 | 250 | 123% | 489 | 127% | |||
10.4.7, VPC 6.0.1 | 256 | 126% | 482 | 125% | |||
10.4.8, VPC 6.0.1 | 257 | 127% | 484 | 126% | |||
10.4.9, VPC 6.0.1 | 253 | 125% | 485 | 126% | |||
Virtual PC hat mit Version 6 noch einmal ein paar Prozent an Performance zugelegt. Gemessen wurde allerdings nur die reine CPU-Emulation; Komponenten wie Grafik oder Festplatte wurden im Test ausgelassen, da die Ergebnisse bei wiederholtem Testen zu starke Schwankungen aufwiesen (>10%). Virtual PC liefert bei wiederholten Testläufen generell unterschiedliche Ergebnisse, die oben aufgezeigten Resultate sind das -- zugegebenermassen etwas auf Schwankungen anfällige -- Mittel aus jeweils drei Wiederholungen. | |||||||
Virtual PC gained a few percent performance with version 6. However we only tested the CPU emulation part; components like graphics acceleration and disk access were skipped because the results showed too much variation (>10%) when repeating the tests. Virtual PC generally scores different each time a run is repeated, the results above show the mean value over three repeated runs -- for these variing results three repeats are maybe not enough to get a good mean value. | |||||||
Feedback? | ||||||| | |||||||